Our volunteering and work experience agency is focused on improving the health, education and employment related skills of people whom are considered as hard to reach within Wolverhampton.
We felt there was a real need to establish an agency that would take a whole person approach to tackling barriers to work. Our mission is to empower local people to strengthen local communities by bringing about social change and improving their quality of life
Wolverhampton has one of the highest rates of unemployment in the country – more than one in 20 working aged people are claiming JSA. There is a danger that the City will not be able to attract new business and jobs or get residents into them, unless the workforce has the right mix of qualifications and experience employers are after.
Revive Community Development wants to help bridge the gap between those people whom find it harder to gain employment and accessing sustainable employment.
The agency will be concerned with breaking down the barriers to employment and encourage participants to realise their full potential within a safe/non-judgmental environment. We will offer intensive support to those people who may have become disengaged and are unable to access the support they need from other mainstream services enabling them to become employment ready.
The aims of our agency are:
To enable beneficiaries to access volunteering, work experience and training opportunities.
To provide culturally sensitive services.
To enable beneficiaries to better manage their health conditions.
To improve access to appropriate financial products/services to elevate financial pressures.
Our objectives are:
To provide specific support to find employment, education and training opportunities.
To provide training on financial capacity and digital inclusion.
To provide advocacy and IAG to access services.
To provide health and wellbeing interventions through workshops and 1:1 support.
If you are interested in either volunteering or work experience call 07913507459 or fill in the form below.
Work Experience Agency
See more on Volunteering
Lorraine, 34
Unemployed Lone Parent
Employability Skills
These are the transferable skills that will make an employee more sucessful in their chosen career. We aim to develop and utilise employability skills such as leadership, team working and problem solving. We offer a employability training programme covering the topics below.
Communication Skills
Confidence Building
Access to Qualifications
Communication Needs
Methods of Communication
Listening Skills
Helping Devleop Problem Solving Skills
CV Writing/Job Application Forms
Preparing for your Journey
Setting out
Accelerating Towards Sucess
Level 2 qualification available in
Preparing to Work in Adult Social Care
Mental Health Awareness
Principles of Dementa Care
Care and Management of Diabetes
Team Leading Knowledge
Business Admin and Knowledge
Other Courses are Available
CV Writing
Personal Statements
Speculative Letters
Job Search
Volunteering/Work Placement
Ongoing Support
Application Forms
Interview Skills Do's and Dont's
Body Language
Appropriate Dress
Appropriate References
Quality Placements
Work Based Training
Engagement and Mentoring
Support in Volunteering Work Placement
Information, Advice and Guidance
"Empowering People.
Enriching Communities."